Attracting and Retaining Library Users Using Your ILS

Nov 19, 2024


Of all the tools you can use to attract new library members and make sure current ones stay active, your ILS is one of the most powerful. How can you leverage your ILS’ capabilities to increase your patron base and encourage involvement?


User Experience

An ILS that is easy to use and enables patrons to find what they are looking for is key to enhancing the user experience. Happy patrons are more likely to return, and new users are more likely to become members if they have a great first experience with searching your catalog.
Does your ILS have a public catalog that harnesses the power of AI to offer search suggestions? A search function that goes beyond simple spell checking and offers intelligent suggestions can save users time and effort. Less frustration will result if AI understands the context of the search and search suggestions will be more accurate.
The ability to use the online catalog on mobile devices allows for searches, checking accounts, and placing holds anywhere there is internet access.

Promoting Resources and Services

Your ILS should have tools that you can work with to connect with your audience in various ways. You should have the option to add announcements, links, FAQs, and a calendar to your online catalog’s home page.
Notices can be emailed, texted, or printed to let people know that new books are available or that a book club is starting up. For members and non-members alike, having your contact information on the catalog’s front page allows people to ask questions or make suggestions.
If your ILS has a Groups feature, you can create groups of patrons that are interested in certain subjects or genres. You can also create groups for book clubs, discussion groups, etc. and use those to send out targeted notices or to allow for special loan rules such as a longer loan period for the book group members.
The online catalog can feature virtual displays of new books, reading lists, and links to other community resources. You can ask other organizations to return the favor by featuring a link to your online catalog to raise awareness about your offerings.



By using the features of your ILS effectively, you can create a more attractive and user-friendly library experience that encourages both new and returning members to join, take advantage of your library’s offerings, and participate in library programming.

About Surpass Software 


Surpass is the easy-to-use, cloud-based library management system for libraries of all types and sizes. Whether you’re a school, church, museum, business, or any other organization with resources to lend, Surpass is likely a good fit for you. We pride ourselves on being affordable and flexible, with an expert support team ready to help you at a moment’s notice.


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