Everyone’s a Critic: Using Reviews to Engage Patrons

Jul 3, 2024


Lots of people rely on reviews to help them decide what car to buy, which restaurant to try out, or what movie to see. Why not give your library patrons the opportunity to write and read reviews?



Sometimes it helps to know what others thought of a book, movie, etc. before borrowing it. Reviews from other library users (and staff!) give patrons more information about a library item and assist them in the decision-making process. Professional reviews are useful, but reviews from your library’s patrons provide insight into your users’ preferences. Noticing what items are highly rated and what are not give you data you can use to drive your collection development activities.

Review Tools

If your ILS has a feature that allows patrons to write reviews, that’s great! You can promote it in your newsletter, place an announcement on your library catalog’s home page, and mention it to library users when you interact with them. If patrons can give star ratings, that’s a quick and easy way to get feedback. Written reviews allow specific reasons for liking or disliking a book, movie, etc. to be shared. If both methods of reviewing are available, star ratings are there for quick clicks and those that want to go into more depth in their review have the option to do so.
Of course, having the ability to see reviews before they show up in your OPAC is key. Preventing the use of language that does not conform to your library’s code of conduct in patron reviews helps create a welcoming environment for all.


Reviews are a powerful tool available to libraries. Giving patrons more information and a sounding board for their opinions helps to increase engagement. Informed decisions can be made more easily as users can see what their peers thought of the materials being considered for borrowing. Staff can participate and share their picks with patrons as well to help users.

About Surpass Software 


Surpass is the easy-to-use, cloud-based library management system for libraries of all types and sizes. Whether you’re a school, church, museum, business, or any other organization with resources to lend, Surpass is likely a good fit for you. We pride ourselves on being affordable and flexible, with an expert support team ready to help you at a moment’s notice.


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