Using Your ILS to Help Create Blog Posts

Oct 10, 2023


It can be a challenge thinking up new topics for blog posts, and I’m sure you have experienced writer’s block when working on keeping your library blog fresh and relevant. Once you have chosen your topic, why not look to your ILS for help? Here’s a few topics that your ILS will help you relate your collection to your blog posts.

Library Events

When publicizing library events via your blog, use your ILS to identify items in your library that tie in to the theme. If you have an event highlighting local history, search for resources about your town or city and create a collection of items to be featured on your OPAC. Use the tools in the OPAC module of your ILS to create virtual displays, lists, or announcements about the event.

Author Talks and Book Signings

You’ve got an author visiting your library—what better time to promote their works? Their books can be featured on your OPAC using the tools suggested above. In addition, if the author doesn’t have a lot of titles to their credit, you can feature similar works or resources relating to the featured book in a book signing. For example, if a book signing for a horror novel is happening, you can feature resources about the novel’s setting or those that have a similar setting or genre.

The Year’s Most Popular Books

Use your ILS to get circulation statistics to see what items were checked out and renewed the most during the year, then post some of those titles in a virtual display on your OPAC. You might choose to post the Top Ten Titles—use your imagination and your ILS’ tools to grab patrons’ attention.


When creating blog posts for your library, you can use your ILS not only for statistics and titles, but also to bring patrons’ attention to your posts. (And, of course, you can link to your blog on your OPAC.) Featuring relevant items in your collection can not only encourage users to visit the library and expand their horizons, but also prompt patrons to read your blog—and look forward to your next post!

About Surpass 

Surpass Cloud is the easy-to-use, cloud-based library management system for libraries of all types and sizes. Whether you’re a school, church, museum, business, or any other organization with resources to lend, Surpass is likely a good fit for you. We pride ourselves on being affordable and flexible, with an expert support team ready to help you at a moment’s notice.


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